

Communication Plan - update 1

D8.7 – This deliverable presents the update of the Communication Plan including detailed actions planned in relation to the visual identity toolbox; the website and social media set up and continuous updates (also after the end of the project); management of local co-creation and co-learning events in the 6 Hubs.

SWITCH D&E Plan - update 1

D8.8 – Updated version of the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (D&E Plan) including detailed actions planned concerning participation in conferences and other dissemination events; scientific publications, press releases, magazines, newsletters, the website and social media channels; European Journalism Award; D&E rules; synergy and networking with ongoing projects; establishment and activities for the Multi-Actor Committee.

Action plans for the specific actions set up in each Hub

D5.2 – This deliverable presents well-defined Action Plans for each Hub that will identify the specific actions that will be implemented in each Hub, defining also every aspect concerning how to implement the specific actions.

SmartCounters first report on system evaluation

D6.9 – This deliverable it is the first report on the application of new wireless

technologies that will allow to collect the dietary habits of consumers and evaluate dietary shifts in the Hubs’ experiments.

Hub Digital Experience

D6.5 – This deliverable presents the work in progress of the Digital Hub Experience (DHE). This takes the form of an interactive Figma file which demonstrates the key functionalities of the DHE app. This version intends to serve as a key prompt for co-creation activities with Hubs and stakeholders, as well as for further design development.

Practice Abstracts - batch 1

D8.5 – This deliverable contains two Practice Abstracts that have been integrated into the EIP-AGRI common format table:

1. From Barriers to Opportunities in the SWITCH Hubs. Recommendations for Co-Creating Sustainable Regional Food Systems (WP5);

2. The Role of the Digital Hub Experience for Chefs, Farmers, Policymakers and the General Public (WP6). 

Report of Multi-Actors Engagement Activity

Factors, barriers and constraints influencing the dietary behavior of different target groups across Europe (including vulnerable groups): evidences and recommendations.

D5.1 – Report describing the multi-actors engagement activities planned and implemented in each Hub, specifying for each Hub how the local partners acting as leading institutions will identify, inform and actively involve the main actors and stakeholders of the local food system, and how all the actors will be actively involved through direct actions.

Report on Hub Digital Experience specifications

D6.4 – This report documents the context of action for the Digital Hub Experience including a state of the art, literature review and inputs from other WPs and regional hubs. It takes this initial referential to define a first set of hypothesis, requirements and design direction for this digital platform, which will support three apps.

Dissemination & Exploitation Plan

D8.4 – Overview of the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (D&E Plan) related to the SWITCH project.

Visual Identity Toolbox

D8.2 – SWITCH Visual Design Toolkit as foreseen by WP8 activities.

Communication Plan

D8.1 – First version of the Communication Plan, it includes detailed actions planned in relation to the visual identity toolbox, communication objectives, social media set up, the website and continuous updates (also after the end of the project), management of local co-creation and co-learning events in the 6 Hub.