Project Privacy Policy

Information on the processing of personal data of participants in the engagement activities pursuant to art. 13 of the gdpr regulation 679/2016


This disclosure is prepared by the Partners of the SWITCH Project (hereinafter referred to as the “Project“). The Partners (hereinafter also referred to as “We“) have many activities to be carried out for the execution of the Project. These activities include the acquisition of information and data through specific engagement activities (e.g., interviews, questionnaires, surveys, use of technologies, apps, etc.) from the actors interested in taking part in the Project (hereinafter “Data Subjects”).

These activities may be conducted through both telematic means (e.g., through special interactive forms) and paper-based forms (e.g., during events), as well as through live audio-video recordings.


Within the framework of the Project, which aims at “accelerating the behavioural shift of European citizens towards more sustainable and healthy patterns”, we will acquire personal data and other relevant information related to Data Subjects through engagement activities.

Therefore, this information notice is addressed to the Participants engaged in some project activities and aims to provide them how and why their personal data are collected and processed in this context.



The data controllers are the Project Partners, and the common contact point of the Project is the CMCC (switch.coordinationteam@cmcc.it). For any privacy-related issues and inquiries regarding the processing of personal data, as well as to exercise the rights provided for by the GDPR (see next paragraph), Data Subjects can contact the Partners using the emails listed in Annex I.


The following categories of personal data may be requested within the engagement activities:

  • common data (name, surname, etc.);
  • special categories of data (ethnicity, health data, religious orientation, etc.);
  • other personal data from the answers to the specific engagement activity.


The personal data collected within the specific engagement activity may be communicated, in addition to the personnel of the Partners, also to any suppliers used for the realisation and management of the engagement activity, as well as to the subjects involved in the development of related services.

In any case, we guarantee maximum confidentiality of the communicated data and employ security measures to maintain the necessary confidentiality. The results and answers of the engagement activity can be disclosed, both to the Partners and to third parties, in an aggregated or anonymised form and in any case in ways that do not allow the identification of the Data Subject.


The personal data of the Participants collected through the engagement activity will be processed to pursue institutional purposes and in order to carry out projects and scientific research. The contact details of the Participants may be used by the Partners to inform the Participants about the progress and results of the Project.

The data will be retained for as long as necessary to implement the Project and any related obligations. Storage times may vary depending on the project and its peculiarities.


The legal basis for processing the personal data of the Data Subjects for the purposes described above within the engagement activity is represented by the consent of the Data Subject. The consent to the processing of personal data can be revoked at any time by the Data Subjects who have provided it, by writing to the above-mentioned common contact point. Any revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.


What rights do Data Subject have in relation to their personal data

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Data Subjects have the right to request access to their personal data and the rectification or erasure of such data, or the limitation of the processing concerning them, or (where the processing is based on the legitimate interests pursued by the data controller or third parties) to object to the processing, as well as the right to data portability, subject to certain conditions. 

Right to withdraw consent

Data Subjects also have the right to withdraw their consent, limited to the cases in which they have provided their consent to the processing of personal data in favour of SWITCH Partners or – possibly – of other joint controllers. Any consent provided can be revoked at any time.


How to exercise these rights

To exercise these rights, Data Subjects are invited to send an email to the common contact point of the Project: switch.coordinationteam@cmcc.it that will exploit all necessary efforts to guarantee the rights of the Data Subjects. Each Partner will endeavour to ensure that the other Partners fulfil the requests of the Data Subjects.

Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority

Furthermore, Data Subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory Authority, according to its procedures, if they believe that the processing of their personal data violates legal provisions.

ANNEX I – List of Partners 

CMCC: switch.coordinationteam@cmcc.it.

UNICAMP: rpd@unicampania.it

FFI: switch@futurefoodinstitute.org

UNINA: lutgarda.bozzetto@unina.it

ZALF: drittmittel@zalf.de

CHALMERS: malin.barman@chalmers.se

IIASA: dataprotection@iiasa.ac.at

WUR: laura.bouwman@wur.nl

INRAE: laure.berling@inrae.fr

UPM: proteccion.datos@upm.es

BC3: arcrights@bc3research.org

POSTI: virgilio.maretto@posti.world; info@posti.world

RISE: maria.biorklund.helgesson@ri.se

KUTXA: kutxa@kutxa.eus

KUTXA S.L.U.: ekogunea@ekogunea.eus

BCC: clomba@bculinary.com

LAORE: laoresardegna@agenzialaore.it

AGROCAM: c.ugolini@agrocamera.com

BAUMHAUS: info@vfnuk.de

EPFL: research@epfl.ch

ANTISTATIQUE: hello+switch@antistatique.net