
SWITCH aims to raise awareness on sustainable and health diets, supporting their adoption.

The project includes 9 Work Packages (WPs) to support European citizens in adopting healthy and sustainable diets through behavioural change strategies. For this reason, each WP starts by considering the general framework of EU food systems, but then zooms specifically on the regional systems represented by the Food Hubs.

WP1 aims to increase the knowledge and skills of the actors involved in the adoption of sustainable and healthy food systems.

The WP2 with food systems analysis, WP3 by defying reference diet models, WP4 assessing determinants of dietary behaviors and lifestyles, and WP6 with development of digital and technological innovations, will provide knowledge, tools and the framework to put new ideas into action (actionability) in the project Food Hubs. A second group of actions will be the core of the actionability strategy, where ideas are put into action by combining the knowledge developed in WP2-4 and WP6 with co-creation activity of stakeholders and actors of the food systems.

The core of this part of the project will be WP5, with practical experiences carried out in living labs in the 6 Food Hubs, and WP8 with Communication and D&E strategies. A continuous feedback with WP2-3 and WP6 will allow to increase knowledge and optimise ways to “translate knowledge into action” with an iterative approach. A third group of actions will aim at scaling up results to a long-term perspective at EU wide scale.

Actions will include wide scale modelling of driving factors of food consumption and scenarios in WP7 to optimise out-scaling and up-scaling for a EU-wide adoption of sustainable and healthy dietary behaviours and to assess related environmental benefits and climate progresses against the EU targets, and the translation of scientific evidence into recommendations for policymakers WP9 to facilitate the transition towards healthy personalised management and sustainable dietary behaviour and lifestyle.

Project Coordinator