Switching European food systems for a just, healthy and sustainable dietary transition through knowledge and innovation
Switching European food systems for a just, healthy and sustainable dietary transition through knowledge and innovation

SWITCH purpose
The EU SWITCH project explores, in different EU regions, innovative strategies and technologies to facilitate the transition towards healthy and sustainable diets among EU citizens.
SWITCH accelerates behavioural shifts of European citizens towards more sustainable and healthy dietary patterns. In this process, research and innovation are used as a driver to increase knowledge and accessibility at all levels of the food system. We need to redesign EU food systems to integrate innovative solutions, providing tools to accelerate transitions towards healthy and sustainable dietary behaviours.

Horizon Europe
SWITCH is a four year research project that aims to accelerate the behavioural shift of European citizens towards more sustainable and healthy patterns, using research and innovation as a driver to increase knowledge, accessibility, and facilitation strategies at all levels of the food systems.
The SWITCH project has been funded by the Horizon Europe funding programme for research and innovation. It aims to tackle climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth.

The local food systems investigated in each SWITCH Hubs represent City Region Food Systems (CRFS) intended as geographical regions that include one or more urban centres and their surroundings, peri-urban and rural hinterland, across which people, food, goods, resources and ecosystem services flow, and encompasses all food system actors and activities over which the local/regional government have planning and intervention powers (FAO, 2021).

The SWITCH Marathon began in Sweden on March 17 with an event focused on the intersection of food, medicine, sustainability, and gastronomy. Hosted at GoCo …
Eight Events, One Mission for Healthier and More Sustainable Eating 17th March – The SWITCH project officially launches the SWITCH Diet Marathon, a series of …
Exploring Strategies for Sustainable Diets The second SWITCH policy workshop, part of the Horizon Europe project, provided valuable insights into innovative strategies and technologies aimed …
December 5, 2024 – Sardinia. The SWITCH project is working to create sustainable school menus that celebrate the origin of ingredients and highlight local food …
Multiple events are lined up in the Gothenburg Food Hub, here is more information: September 10, 2024 – Webinar: Green Gastronomy – Too Good to …
Join us for a unique opportunity to connect with European projects working towards healthier, more sustainable dietary behaviors and food systems. This is your chance …
November 6, 2024 – The Montpellier Food Hub just launched its second activity, a series of co-constructed workshops tackling food challenges in a vulnerable neighbourhood …
October 27, 2024 – Rome, during the Maker Faire Rome, the SWITCH Food Explorer was showcased to an audience passionate about innovation and sustainability. Posti …
October 27, 2024 – The Rome Food Hub participated in the renowned Maker Faire 2024, an annual European event that celebrates innovation, technology, and creativity. …
October 23, 2024 – Gamla Ullevi At the Allsvenskan match between GAIS and IFK Värnamo the SWITCH Food Hub Sweden conducted a nudging experiment to …
With the goal that the Swedes will open their eyes to whole grains, the partnership Full KornsFrämjandet is underway. The organization is based on a …
September 12, 2024 – Berlin In September, the SWITCH Berlin-Brandenburg Hub will officially start its activities! On September 26-28, 2024, a 3-day-kick-off event in the …